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Spaghetti Squash

Pictured with my Turkey Mushroom Meatballs. Spaghetti Squash can be a fun dinner. I find people are pretty curious about it. If you are expecting it to taste like real spaghetti you’ll be sorely disappointed. But it is still delicious. You can season it just like you would any pasta and get a nutritious meal. If you wanted you could add a little real pasta to fill the dish out a bit. I always find when I use squash as a main dish, I always need way more than I thought. If it’s going to be a main dish, you may want close to a whole squash per adult. Depending on the size of the squash of course.

There are so many ways to cook your spaghetti squash. I’ve tried a few. Poke and roast, microwave, sliced in half and roasted. I actually prefer to slice it in rings and roast it, I got the idea from Beth at Eat Within Your Means. I find I can get the most from the squash when I do it this way. Above is pre-roast, below is roasted.

Once it is roasted, you can just pull the squash with a fork starting from the center. The you can serve it however your heart desires. I like it with a marinara sauce and meatballs!


Spaghetti Squash
Spaghetti squash, a tasty low-carb alternative to pasta dishes.
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  1. about 1 spaghetti squash per adult, depending on size of squash
  2. olive oil cooking spray
  3. pepper (optional)
  4. oregano (optional)
  5. garlic powder (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Line the sheet with foil and spray with cooking spray.
  3. Cut squash into rings, remove inner seeds, lay on foil, and season with desired spices.
  4. Spray the tops of squash with cooking spray.
  5. Roast in preheated oven for about 40 minutes.
  6. Remove from oven and cool slightly so that you can handle it.
  7. Pull squash away from the outer skin with a fork.
  8. Top with desired sauce.
  9. Enjoy while warm.
Adapted from Beth @ eat within your means
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