We could all use a little excitement over fruit. Ever had a star fruit? Well I had not had one until about 2 years ago. I just didn’t know how to eat it. I was in good ole Trader Joe’s and they were sampling it, or so I thought. Turns out they put it out as a snack for the workers in the morning. Whoops, my bad! Anyway, I’m glad I made the mistake because now I’m familiar with it like I’m familiar with apples.
Look for a yellow one with the least brown spots. It’s okay if the edges are a little brown, that’s normal.
This is how you eat it… YOU JUST EAT IT! I didn’t know! You eat the skin and everything! I just cut off the 2 ends first. There are a few seeds typically. They can be picked out easily similar to watermelon. The seeds are soft though, I accidentally eat 1 or 2 usually. No biggie.
It’s comparable to… if a pineapple and a kiwi had a baby. Of course it doesn’t taste like pineapple or kiwi, but maybe in between. It has a taste of its own. Like other fruits, it sweetens as it ripens. People are really impressed when you include it on a fruit platter. You would be surprised by how many adults have not tried this fruit! Try it out if you haven’t.
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